Ketua LKPP, Roni Dwi Susanto
Ketua LKPP, Roni Dwi Susanto Kunjungan ketua LKPP kepada PT. Fyrom International
Ketua LKPP, Roni Dwi Susanto Kunjungan ketua LKPP kepada PT. Fyrom International
That's the first sentence out by our Ministry of Health in Indonesian Medical Equipment and Health Product Show 54th HKN (Hari Kesehatan Nasional) to our sales person (Shodiq Winarto) whom trembly…
Innovation is our commitment to presenting quality health equipment. The development of medical devices must be supported by medical personnel who are also experts, so it is very important to…
The skill level of medical personnel is very important to handle the patient. Improved medical personnel its the point of safety and quality of care, FYROM with IDAI is always…
Fyrom performs with the latest health equipment technology, improved infant health care and resuscitation with an experienced mentor is always ready to support the world of health Indonesia and internatioinal.
producer of medical equipment production indonesia displayed at JIEXPO kemayoran in moment of national health day . the event took place lively and in the presence of health minister republic…
On October 4, 2017, PT FYROM INTERNATION AL received an invitation to attend the ANNUAL NEONATALOGY event organized by IDAI (Indonesian Pediatric Association) in Lampung
on February 17, 2017 ago the factory PT FYROM INTERNATIONAL the arrival of colleagues from Masimo to see the state of the factory and also hold cooperation to improve the…